7 Ways To Earn

We all know the 3 Basic needs.

Without food, we'll starve to death.
Can you live without clothings? (Yes. Possible. But, who will?)
Can you live in the streets? Even beggars look for a place to stay and call it a shelter.

But guess what, we already have the 4th basic need!

Yes! It's Load. 

Can you see those big figures? So, Vmobile thought of using prepaid loads as products! Below are the certifications from Smart, Globe, and Sun.

Certification from SMART Certification from GLOBE Certification from SUN

Now, let's briefly discuss the 7 ways to Earn.

Once you've already registered your Technopreneur card and you replenished your load wallet, you can already enjoy the lifetime discounts of 8%-11% of over 300 prepaid products!

PLUS! You can enjoy the CONVENIENCE of loading yourself anytime, anywhere, and any network!

The Technopreneur pack includes 20 Technouser cards. All of them can also enjoy the lifetime discounts of more than 300 prepaid products!

Each time they load, an average of 1% from it will be credited to your account.

This is a passive income for you! Whether you're sleeping or in a vacation, you will earn!

So, for example, you taught 3 people about our business and they subscribed as Technopreneurs, you will get 700php for each of them. This is until infinity! So, how many people do you think you can teach? :)

You have to teach your Direct referrals to do what you are doing so that they can teach others too. If they were able to get their own direct referrals, you will get 250php for each of them. You will get SSB up until the 9th level of your Sales network.

MyLIFE PRO products are equivalent to Qualifying periods (QP) and Product Patronage Bonus (PPB/PPP).

The members in your sales network will also avail products for them to earn. Each product is equivalent to Product Patronage Bonus. So, in the diagram above, you can see that Direct Referral A availed Personal Pack; you earned 16.67php from that. Direct Referral B availed Smart Eload 500 & 300; you earned 6.40php from that. Direct Referral C's Direct Referrals (C1.a and C1.b) availed products too, so you have additional 7.78php and 2.67php...and so on.

*This is also up until your 9th level.

If you worked so hard to teach your Direct referrals to teach and took good care of their Direct Referrals and you were able to expand your Sales Network, with certain criteria, you can be ranked as a Professional, Executive, and Ambassador. As a PROFESSIONAL, you will have additional +50php on Subscription Sales Bonus. As an EXECUTIVE, you will have additional +100php on Subscription Sales Bonus. And, as an AMBASSADOR, you will have additional +150php on Subscription Sales Bonus.

BUT! There's more!

You can only get 250php from the 2nd level to the 9th level of your Sales network, right? But, if you're already a professional, executive, or ambassador, you will get additional income from your 10th level until infinity!

2nd-9th level Subscription Sales Bonus > (250 + 50) = 300php
10th level - infinity > 50php

2nd-9th level Subscription Sales Bonus > (250 + 100) = 350php
10th level - infinity > 100php

2nd-9th level Subscription Sales Bonus > (250 + 150) = 400php
10th level - infinity > 150php

This is a really nice reward for a really hardworking Networker, isn't it?
So, how will you get these rewards?

You have to build your GROUP OF 3 (G3)!

You have to find 3 Direct referrals. You have to teach each of them how to get their own G3. And then, they should learn how to teach their G3 to find their own G3, and so on.

When your 4th level reached 81 subscribers or more, you'll get the EDUCATION VOUCHER. You will have free trainings on how to take care of your money.

When your 6th level reached 729 subscribers or more, you'll get the TRAVEL INCENTIVE (Asian Cruise).

And, when your 9th level reached 19,683 subscribers or more, you will get your BRAND NEW CAR!

Now, let's put some figures!

Look at how much you can earn!

Yes, you need to put in a lot of effort to earn big. Don't worry because we are here to guide you.

So, are you ready to be a part of our team?


For more info, contact me now.
KC Lacson 09173651053
Message me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KCandvmobile
Talk to me on Skype: KCofVmobile
   [Please refer to the sidebar for Skype status]  

I will definitely reply to you within the day.

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